dismember|dismembered|dismembering|dismembers in English


[dis·mem·ber || dɪs'membə]

dissect, tear to pieces; split up, divide

Use "dismember|dismembered|dismembering|dismembers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dismember|dismembered|dismembering|dismembers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dismember|dismembered|dismembering|dismembers", or refer to the context using the word "dismember|dismembered|dismembering|dismembers" in the English Dictionary.

1. The conglomerate dismembered the business.

2. The murderer dismembered the corpse.

3. He used the bench saw to dismember the bodies.

4. The British railway network has gradually been dismembered.

5. 7 It's probably the dismembered carcass of some old shed.

6. Arraignment for a Michigan man charged with murdering his wife and dismembering her body.

7. An unknown man's dismembered body was found by the police in the suburb woods.

8. Methody slight-shaded dismember deterrents squireless caligated supramortal crankous Bastionet monarchomachic witlessnesses propel tripacks

9. Soldier of Fortune was best known for its graphic depictions of firearms dismembering the human body.

10. 12 The entire body of the larva is being dismembered and reassembled.

11. The police found the dismembered body of a young man in the murderer's freezer.

12. But up on the estates, even the dismembered ones, old limbs are still twitching with archaic reflexes.

13. This introduced the ability to dismember enemies in combat, adding to the realism of the game.

14. Many Albinos, including infants and children, are killed or dismembered for these parts.

15. In addition, the alligators far outperformed their inebriated human counterparts in the following areas: lunging, biting, crushing, dismembering, and swallowing.

16. Carter and his colleagues dismembered much of the mummy while removing the body from its sarcophagus.

17. Nor is an anti-abortion candidate who aired graphic television commercials with footage of dismembered fetuses.

18. The reason for which body and soul unite follows from a deed -- the Titanic act of dismembering and killing Dionysos.

19. Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen was Bludgeoned to death with a hammer before she was dismembered, according to a report

20. Amhara nationalism was not born out of hatred for the Ethiopian state, or the desire to dismember Ethiopia along ethnic lines

21. How are we to describe fanatics who dismember babies and tear open pregnant women while singing “Alleluia” and reciting verses from the Bible?

22. Balthazar examines a dismembered corpse found in the river, but when the body parts don't match up he realizes there's a nother victim

23. For second trimesters the dismembering of the fetus to extract it from the mother, or induced abortion brought on by injection, are usual procedures.

24. • The benefit is paid when a dependant dies, whether his/her death is accidental or natural or if he/she suffers from a dismembering injury while insured.

25. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque President Donald Trump Bragged that he protected Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after the assassination and dismembering of the Washington Post columnist Jamal